lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011


in Japan there are traffic rules for pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles, and they get fines when violations are committed. All family members should learn the traffic rules and be careful to avoid causing any accident.
1 Basic Traffic Rules
In Aichi Prefecture, there are many accidents. There are many cases in which foreign nationals who are victims or responsible for accidents. To not have a traffic accident Please respect the following rules: The direction of movement of pedestrians is on the right, and bicycles and cars is on the left. Pedestrians have priority over vehicles. Always respect and obey traffic lights and traffic signals. Always follow the instructions of the police.
2 Rules for Pedestrians
When sidewalks pedestrians should always walk on them. When there are no sidewalks for pedestrians must walk on the right side of the road. When crossing a road at an intersection always obey traffic lights (pedestrian lights) and when there are no traffic lights use the zebra crossings (pedestrian crossings). When a pedestrian bridge to cross the road or underpass use it for that purpose. When crossing the road always look at both sides of the road to see if a car comes and see if the cars have stopped and cross it after having it checked. Although the road passes by the zebra crossing and the green light beware of vehicles that turn left and right. 

Never start to cross the road suddenly or hastily. Never play on the road. On roads with poor visibility must first stop to check that there is no car neither left nor right, and when satisfied that no cars are able to cross the road. Before crossing the railway level crossings and other first be stopped without fail, and once proven to be safe to cross may cross the road. At night we recommend that you wear clothing with reflectors and light-colored clothing. 3 Rules for Bicycles
In 2008 27% of accidents and injuries that occurred in those who were foreign nationals involved (as victims or managers) were bicycle accident. When you ride a bike be careful with these points. The bikes, in principle, be driven on the roads, sometimes only as an exception and use the sidewalks. Sidewalks may be used in the following cases: When you have a special sign for bicycles and pedestrians (which is a pedestrian signal and a bicycle). When the bikes are used by children and young children, people over 70 years and for persons with physical disabilities. When force majeure circumstances (road works or improperly parked cars, etc.) Cycles can not pass on the road. Bicycles must travel on the left side of the road. Bikes can use sidewalks when there is an indication that provides for the movement of bicycles and pedestrians (traffic signal) but in this case, the bicycle must ride on the side of the road adjacent to a moderate speed. On the sidewalk pedestrians have priority. Riding a bicycle is prohibited under the influence of alcohol. It is forbidden to circulate two people on one bicycle. It is forbidden to move two bikes at once and together in parallel. At night it is always necessary to use light. At crossings and intersections we will always respect traffic lights, stand up momentarily to check and then we can run safely. Can not riding a bicycle using a mobile phone. Can not riding a bicycle having an open umbrella. When riding a bike and use it's raining rain gear. When riding a bicycle carrying a child he must protect this by using a helmet, being the responsibility of those responsible for the child. 4 Rules for Motor Vehicle
In 2008 60% of accidents and injuries that occurred in those who were foreign nationals involved (as victims or managers) were motor vehicle accident. 

When driving a vehicle must be careful with these points. No driving without a driver's license or under the influence of alcohol. Should be respected and always obey traffic rules, traffic lights and traffic signals. Where a person is mounted on the vehicle must always use seat belts (all seats, front and rear). On bikes and motorcycles should always make use of the helmet. When you ride a child under 6 years in a car must use a safety seat for children and babies. 

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

my neighborhood.

I live in the neighborhood island in the sun my address is cll66 no66-03 on the avenue is a drugstore called island then followed by a barbecue is a small park on neighborhood input you guys going to play football walk about 30 meters there is a then there is a bakery and a supermarket butcher called mercamundo. The houses in my neighborhood are small and large there are many dogs and it's nice to live there


What is a restaurant? Let's define it first as an establishment serving food and drinks. So called as such, generally operate in the hours of lunch and dinner, while those specialize in the service of breakfast cafes are labeled. The food prices are according to the category of establishment, which varies depending on where is situated, the comfort of their facilities and quality service. There are a number of intermediate categories, from the humblest inn which serves a menu, or a series food only for a fixed price and communal tables to the most luxurious a la carte restaurant, where customer chooses the menu and paid according to the service and the quality of the food it consumes. The classic restaurant is run by a team of porters or waiters, to the orders of a Maitre, which is the officer or chief. This greets customers, understand everything that happens at the tables, runs the service and he served for special occasions. In contrast to this restaurant we will see different and categories. Origin of Restaurants In antiquity, the churches and monasteries were by customs house and feed travelers accepting some gifts in return. This situation was exploited by traders of the time for create specialized in selling food and drinks. In Egypt also during this period were the lodges, where rooms and meals offered travelers who stopped their caravans. In the early modern era in 1658, the carriages were introduced in England, prompting this transportation development boom of the inns and taverns. The term restaurant is of French origin and was first used in Paris, the designation with the name of an establishment founded around 1765, which served drinks and meals are worse as some distinction to the inns, taverns and eating houses. Its success was immediate and numerous restaurants were opened. Were served by waiters and stewards who had left their jobs. After of the French Revolution in 1789, the bankrupt aristocracy, could not maintain its many servants, and many servants unemployed founded or joined this new type of eatery that emerged in large numbers. In other countries, the restaurant, as we know it today, dates from the last decades of the nineteenth century when small establishments, with this name began to compete with hotels offering hearty meals, elegantly served and must be reasonable. In London the first restaurant opened in 1873. In Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, also began spreading the restaurant name as a type of establishment that is devoted in particular to serve meals. Today the word FONDA appoints a restaurant, usually very modest. The taverns came to America with the colonists. 1 How do you classify the restaurants? Like hotels, restaurants also are ranked based on several concepts: Facilities, services, menu, etc.., Being the service of the waiters at the tables one of the criteria valued. Many countries have regulations and classification standards for restaurants, then point out a summary of the basic requirements taken as parameters to classify restaurants international level. · Restaurants luxury (five forks) Such establishments must have an effective organization, governed by rules and procedures and have internal and external policies for management. The restaurants of this type are usually decorated with fine wood, tables and chairs should be in keeping with the decor, carpets of very good quality, music (live or environmental) should be smooth, lights (bulbs and lamps) should be adjustable and air conditioning must be controlled by thermostat. Food and beverages are obliged to be of the broad quality, hygiene must reign in all areas: forehead, salted, kitchen, bathrooms and, finally, the staff must be properly uniformed. The service staff in addition to being trained for each function should be trained periodically to ensure efficient service and elegant. You must have: · Entry for independent customer service staff. · Cloakroom and lobby or waiting room. · Dining with a surface according to its capacity. • Telephone in isolated cubicles and a cordless phone for customer service. • Air conditioning. · Services health with luxury amenities, separate for ladies and gentlemen. · Decoration in harmony with the rank of the establishment. · Buffet cold at the sight in the dining room (optional). • Accessories diverse: for flaming car, side tables, cubrefuentes. Equipped kitchen with storeroom, cellar, cold room, pantry, office, ovens, grill, fish and meat grill, sink, exhaust fumes and odors. Charter a variety of dishes of national and international cuisine and extensive wine list modified periodically. · Personal properly uniformed. · Cutlery stainless steel or silver. · Living and Dining Area where tables are located to service customers. The dining room is divided by seasons or ranges for ease of service and a waiter named by each station (or server-level commander floor), each server would have an assistant or as prescribed by the administration. · Bar service The restaurants of luxury hotels need not have a bar inside the room service, as hotels have lounge and bars close to them, where guests and customers who are not staying at the hotel can expect to take some drinks. In this case have a bar service is usually located in the lobby of Office or in the kitchen, thus avoiding noise that can disturb guests in this bar do not have access customers, of course since it is exclusively for passing drinks to waiters in the restaurant or Room Service (Room Service). · Bathrooms Services or toilets should be at one end of the hall The ideal is to have a common gateway, both for the ladies, as for the knights. This door should be given access to a small room where are the two doors of the toilets. · Salons private You can use part of a quiet room separate modality is used more every day by the customers of restaurants. It is recommended that this be separated from the main room by a curtain or sliding door for privacy. · Area of ​​smokers and nonsmokers Occasionally, the hall is divided into two areas for these purposes. Generally, non-smoking area is small and cozy and to divide it takes into account the air flow, the location of the exhaust and air flow when the restaurant is not air conditioned.



Just as I had come to this conclusion I heard a heavy step approaching behind the great door, and saw through the chinks the gleam of a coming light. Then there was the sound of rattling chains and the clanking of massive bolts drawn back. A key was turned with the loud grating noise of long disuse, and the great door swung back.
Within, stood a tall old man, clean shaven save for a long white moustache, and clad in black from head to foot, without a single speck of colour about him anywhere. He held in his hand an antique silver lamp, in which the flame burned without a chimney or globe of any kind, throwing long quivering shadows as it flickered in the draught of the open door.
The old man motioned me in with his right hand with a courtly gesture, saying in excellent English, but with a strange intonation.
"Welcome to my house! Enter freely and of your own free will!"
He made no motion of stepping to meet me, but stood like a statue, as though his gesture of welcome had fixed him into stone.
The instant, however, that I had stepped over the threshold, he moved impulsively forward, and holding out his hand grasped mine with a strength which made me wince, an effect which was not lessened by the fact that it seemed cold as ice, more like the hand of a dead than a living man.
Again he said.
"Welcome to my house! Enter freely. Go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring!" The strength of the handshake was so much akin to that which I had noticed in the driver, whose face I had not seen, that for a moment I doubted if it were not the same person to whom I was speaking.
So to make sure, I said interrogatively, "Count Dracula?" He bowed in a courtly was as he replied, "I am Dracula, and I bid you welcome, Mr. Harker, to my house. Come in, the night air is chill, and you must need to eat and rest." As he was speaking, he put the lamp on a bracket on the wall, and stepping out, took my luggage. He had carried it in before I could forestall him. I protested, but he insisted. "Nay, sir, you are my guest. It is late, and my people are not available.
Let me see to your comfort myself. "He insisted on carrying my traps along the passage, and then up a great winding stair, and along another great passage, on whose stone floor our steps rang heavily.
At the end of this he threw open a heavy door, and I rejoiced to see within a well-lit room in which a table was spread for supper, and on whose mighty hearth a great fire of logs, freshly replenished, flamed and flared.
The Count halted, putting down my bags, closed the door, and crossing the room, opened another door, which led into a small octagonal room lit by a single lamp, and seemingly without a window of any sort. Passing through this, he opened another door, and motioned me to enter. It was a welcome sight. For here was a great bedroom well lighted and warmed with another log fire, also added to but lately, for the top logs were fresh, which sent a hollow roar up the wide chimney. The Count himself left my luggage inside and withdrew, saying, before he closed the door.
"You will need, after your journey, to refresh yourself by making your toilet. I trust you will find all you wish. When you are ready, come into the other room, where you will find your supper prepared."
The light and warmth and the Count's courteous welcome seemed to have dissipated all my doubts and fears. Having then reached my normal state, I discovered that I was half famished with hunger. So making a hasty toilet, I went into the other room.

description of my career.

International Relations.
The terms of International Relations and International Studies, referring to the science that deals with the study of foreign affairs and major issues of the international system: the role of States, international organizations, the non-governmental organizations ( NGOs) and multinational corporations. International relations belong to both the scholarly and political domination. They can be studied either from a positivist perspective, either from a regulatory perspective, and both seek to analyze and formulate international policies of the countries.
If International Relations historically belong to the realm of political science, the emphasis is increasingly on the economic dominance through the International Political Economy developed since the seventies. However, other academic fields are equally concerning: international law, philosophy, geography (through geopolitics), sociology, anthropology, etc.
With regard to the most studied topics include: Globalization, the State, ecology and sustainable development, terrorism and organized crime, nuclear proliferation, nationalism, economic development, international finance, the rights of man et al.

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Panama is the ideal holiday destination. Has a pleasant tropical climate, idyllic setting, a wide variety of flora, fauna and spectacular beaches.
Tourism is one of the fastest growing activities in recent years, with a wide selection of hotels, tours shopping, restaurants, activities for the whole family, shows and ecological tours for your enjoyment.

week 5 weather

Exercise on the Weather Forecast

Complete the sentences according to the picture. (You may only use each word once.)
  1.  in Scotland will be around  degrees.
  2. In the Scottish mountains, it will be .
  3. Further to the south, the  will be very unpleasant.
  4. It will be  with temperatures around  degrees.
  5. The east of England will be  with a few  occasionally.
  6. In Northern Ireland, it will be , but .
  7. People in the  of England will have a nice day with a lot of .
  8. However, it won't be that  there either.
  9. Temperatures will only reach  degrees
  11. The climate of Colombia

    The climate of Colombia is very uniform throughout the year as the country is located onthe Tropic of Cancer. Except in the mountainous areas, where cold temperatures drop 6º C per 1000 meters, the climate is characterized by being temperate in the highlandsand tropical coasts and the eastern plains, with uniform temperatures throughout theyear, a dry season (summer) and a rainy season (winter).

    The complexity of the Colombian geography causes great climatic variations by region,and in every area of the country, dry and rainy seasons follow different rhythms. OnlyLlanos, east, the weather regularly. In general, the dry season is the best time to visit the country, although the heavy winter rains from traveling through Colombia and enjoy its many attractions.

    Santa Fe de Bogotá has a spring-like weather throughout the year, with an average of 14 º C down somewhat overnight.