lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011


in Japan there are traffic rules for pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles, and they get fines when violations are committed. All family members should learn the traffic rules and be careful to avoid causing any accident.
1 Basic Traffic Rules
In Aichi Prefecture, there are many accidents. There are many cases in which foreign nationals who are victims or responsible for accidents. To not have a traffic accident Please respect the following rules: The direction of movement of pedestrians is on the right, and bicycles and cars is on the left. Pedestrians have priority over vehicles. Always respect and obey traffic lights and traffic signals. Always follow the instructions of the police.
2 Rules for Pedestrians
When sidewalks pedestrians should always walk on them. When there are no sidewalks for pedestrians must walk on the right side of the road. When crossing a road at an intersection always obey traffic lights (pedestrian lights) and when there are no traffic lights use the zebra crossings (pedestrian crossings). When a pedestrian bridge to cross the road or underpass use it for that purpose. When crossing the road always look at both sides of the road to see if a car comes and see if the cars have stopped and cross it after having it checked. Although the road passes by the zebra crossing and the green light beware of vehicles that turn left and right. 

Never start to cross the road suddenly or hastily. Never play on the road. On roads with poor visibility must first stop to check that there is no car neither left nor right, and when satisfied that no cars are able to cross the road. Before crossing the railway level crossings and other first be stopped without fail, and once proven to be safe to cross may cross the road. At night we recommend that you wear clothing with reflectors and light-colored clothing. 3 Rules for Bicycles
In 2008 27% of accidents and injuries that occurred in those who were foreign nationals involved (as victims or managers) were bicycle accident. When you ride a bike be careful with these points. The bikes, in principle, be driven on the roads, sometimes only as an exception and use the sidewalks. Sidewalks may be used in the following cases: When you have a special sign for bicycles and pedestrians (which is a pedestrian signal and a bicycle). When the bikes are used by children and young children, people over 70 years and for persons with physical disabilities. When force majeure circumstances (road works or improperly parked cars, etc.) Cycles can not pass on the road. Bicycles must travel on the left side of the road. Bikes can use sidewalks when there is an indication that provides for the movement of bicycles and pedestrians (traffic signal) but in this case, the bicycle must ride on the side of the road adjacent to a moderate speed. On the sidewalk pedestrians have priority. Riding a bicycle is prohibited under the influence of alcohol. It is forbidden to circulate two people on one bicycle. It is forbidden to move two bikes at once and together in parallel. At night it is always necessary to use light. At crossings and intersections we will always respect traffic lights, stand up momentarily to check and then we can run safely. Can not riding a bicycle using a mobile phone. Can not riding a bicycle having an open umbrella. When riding a bike and use it's raining rain gear. When riding a bicycle carrying a child he must protect this by using a helmet, being the responsibility of those responsible for the child. 4 Rules for Motor Vehicle
In 2008 60% of accidents and injuries that occurred in those who were foreign nationals involved (as victims or managers) were motor vehicle accident. 

When driving a vehicle must be careful with these points. No driving without a driver's license or under the influence of alcohol. Should be respected and always obey traffic rules, traffic lights and traffic signals. Where a person is mounted on the vehicle must always use seat belts (all seats, front and rear). On bikes and motorcycles should always make use of the helmet. When you ride a child under 6 years in a car must use a safety seat for children and babies. 

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