jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

description of my career.

International Relations.
The terms of International Relations and International Studies, referring to the science that deals with the study of foreign affairs and major issues of the international system: the role of States, international organizations, the non-governmental organizations ( NGOs) and multinational corporations. International relations belong to both the scholarly and political domination. They can be studied either from a positivist perspective, either from a regulatory perspective, and both seek to analyze and formulate international policies of the countries.
If International Relations historically belong to the realm of political science, the emphasis is increasingly on the economic dominance through the International Political Economy developed since the seventies. However, other academic fields are equally concerning: international law, philosophy, geography (through geopolitics), sociology, anthropology, etc.
With regard to the most studied topics include: Globalization, the State, ecology and sustainable development, terrorism and organized crime, nuclear proliferation, nationalism, economic development, international finance, the rights of man et al.

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